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stories :)))

   ! Here I will be posting stories!
                       THE PANCAKES DID THE TRICK!
btw this is a tupid one
Once upon a magical time in equestria
                    Pinkie pie was jumping around craving something good to eat. Rarity was struggling with her groceries so pinkie pie gave her a hoove. " why thank you pinkie!" Rarity said in one breath
Pinkie went snoozing into the plastic bag. But all there was only flour and cookie bake in it. Pinkie pie frowned and and ran away crying.

Pinkie pie didnt know who to go to so she rome around pony ville.
                 It was Twilight Sparkle!

So she jumped in the air and said " Twilight my stomiche hurts! Twilight laughs haha silly your hungry! But pinkie didnt understand she was more than hungry! she was craving something!
Twilight shook her head and said " go to apple jack she has apples!
 Pinkie Pie ran to Apple Jacks farm. Apple Jack was carring apples. Pinkie Pie grabbed okne and throwed it in her mouth and spit it right out! yuckk! she screamed! Apple Jack laughed they are rotten! Pinkie ran to bakery and asked "what can I eat!" They gave her a stack off confetti pancakes. SHE ATE THEM THEN FELL ASLEEP.   

                               FLUTTERSHY AND MEGANHORN


     One day fluutershy was flying down to the wonder bolts show to see the rainboom Rinbow dash was going to perform. While she was flying she got blinded bye the most handsomness brony ever. She passed out and started to fall, everypony gasped. Until that handsom brony came magicly flying down to save her. But fluttershy didnt understand, how could he fly with no wings?!?
The mighty brony stood tall floating to a cloud. He drops Fluttershy there and magicly runs away in mid air. Fluttershy tried screaming wait, but befor she opened her eyes he was already gone. That made fluttershy think she needs to be brave, stronge, and mighty. When Rainbow Dash did the sonic rainboom Flutter Shy went screaming out YAYYY! COMMON RAINBOW! Her mightiness made the whole croud cheer for Rainbow dash. When Fluttershy was cheering a shiney star came floating to her. She looked real closely and that beutiful brony came out. He shook her hoove and smiled. "Nice cheer you got there." Fluttershy batted her eyes "y thank u nice spots you got there." He laughs. Flutershy turns bright red. He stops laughing and looks in her eyes. "what your... name if I may ask..." Flutter shy asks. He replise Megahorn. "And you are Fluttershy I know everyone." Rainbow comes alonge "hey fluttershy nice cheering I acually did it.!" Fluttershy smiles "meet Megahorn" she closes her eyes and points to mid air. "Nice to meet you air Rainbow says chuckling. Fluttershy looks over where Megahorn was and he was gone, but she knows some where in her
heart he is there.


One day Pinkie was going to throw a suprze party for twilight but she had no one to go. She asked Rarity,fluttershy, applejack, AND, Rainbow Dash but they all were buisy. Pinkie was confused on what  to do for the party. So, Pinkie pie went to her toy box and dug out 3 stuffed animals and fruit. A rainbow bird replaced for Rinbow Dash, a yellow cat for Fluttershy, a unicorn for rarity,and an apple! great she thought the party is booked! Pinkie invited twilight to her house but twilight wanted her to come to her house,so pinkie walked the party over there. She looked in the window and saw all the ponies having fun. Pinkie was mad! she thought they were all buisy and couldnt hangout! Pinkie walked in there all mad.
EVERY PONY DITCHED ME! All the ponies looked suprised, SUPRISE!!!!!!! they yelled. Pinkie just remembered that it was her birthday today too! Pinkie was still upset that everypony lied to her. But after they all appaligized Pinkie walked in and set up her decorations so they could celebrate both ponies parties.


  1. aww thats a cute story !!!!!! :) ur really good at this stuff!!!!!! i like the good details and the pictures!!! :) <3

  2. Maddie, you have so much views now because of Lexi, that's cheating, You're stealing the prize!

  3. what do u mean she posted omething on it! and there is no prize

  4. Srry 'bout the prize thing!!! Your stories r so funny :p
