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Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Hey pony friends!'
 GUESS WAHH! On Septemer 17th mlp season 3 is coming out on hub! yay! like fluttershy would say! Well I am gonna watch them 4 sure my bday is the 11th sooo yay!

Friday, July 13, 2012


Hi guys,
        recently I have been seeing rude posts for People will click on "epic fail" for really good posts or pictures. Please if you want to come on a web site don't hurt others feelings! If I got comments saying epic fail or stupid I would be really frusterated! Well don't feel ashamed for liking mlp! Keep your heads up and stay beyonde beutiful!


Thursday, July 12, 2012


My trotter pony

Sera from My Little World of MLP made this! Enjoy!


i just took a test on BronyLand and I was mostly PinkiePie! I was suprised but then again i am crazy! seconde place was Rarity, I am not tht stylish or annouying am i????? welll third place was rainbow dash I was happy bout tht shes 20% cooler! fourth place was twilight sparkle and fifth was fluttershy I am sad cause shes my fav! I was nothing like Apple Jack! I am a city pony!

brony fans!

Hey a man who loves mlp! I LIKE BRONY FANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't stop beliving, U are you and mlp is another show! I love everyone! Just cause you're a boy doesn't mean your a name people call u like, gay, stupid, baby , or mean words like that! Kepp your head up!

hey ponies!

I will be making mlp music videos and songs will be in the back ground. I will be posting them in the homemade videos. My first one is the "hamster dance song" I will be doing better songs just this song makes me laugh.
c ya'll la8ter, like apple jack would say.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


I am putting this on face book so hopefully I can get more hits. Please share !

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Hey guys,
 It would be soo kewl If you could get me over 1000 views before August. I can give out pony toys or key chains maybe even shirts! U should start viewing and sharing my blog. Ponies are from the heart not the ooo.. we gotta do this on tv they r loving friends who care!

MY collection!

Hey poy lovass
I have a mlp collection and I posted a video in my homade vids about my collection. check check check it ou thwat what whats it all about work work work about getting views yeah thts my jam Equestria gurrlllsss

Monday, July 9, 2012

that would be amazing if I can get 1000 views before august!

Derpy has a makeover!?

Oh no people mistaken Derpy for a retarded pony! It was complaned and they have to change her name! Derpy means stupid yah she has crossed eyes but they arent trying to hurt anyone! Let us hope for derpys name back!!! <33


Truly, Pinkie Pie is a bundle of joy! She rives me insane! Flutter Shy is a calm shy girl who is the bomb! I love her! I am 12 and tht may be weird but yep thts me but Im kewl besides thinking I love mlp
me and sera


Can u amagin being able to do a sonic rainboom?!?!?!? Well tht would be amazing if you could well on this blog I want you to feel like your doing a sonic rainboom.
   ! Hey guys, this blog is going to be a success! I am encouraged by to make this blog.


 Heyyy ponie lovas
           My favorite pony is Fluttershy and she is amazing because shes nice sweet and shy. I love how she acually has toughness in her. comment who is your fav or do the pole below by my page views :))\                         have a pony day lol ;;;;))

maddiboo WaNa SmUrF???

To help me!?

hey guys,
      I want my blog to becmoe something, something good so can I ask u a favor??

                  Please like my videos and subscribe me. I have no problem with people who hate mlp it is just a show I mean common its your disision.

Monthly give aways!

Contests are the bomb! Every month I will give 2 mlp things away!
              To win one of theese items you have to comment under this and say the nicest thing U can say about fluttershy! ;))) let the pony games begin!
                     btw ( got this contest from )


  !Hey guys, this blog will be a succsess! I was encouraged by to make this blog. The girl who made that blog is my friend and she has a big hit with views! I also have a all about mwah blog check it out, Well share with every one!

     Maddieboo~ WaNa SmUrF!?